The King’s College London Gene Therapy Vector Facility (GTVF) hosts four MHRA accredited, fully equipped production cleanrooms for GMP vector production. The GTVF is opening brand new GMP production cleanrooms dedicated to AAV manufacture and expects to be GMP operational in the next 12 months. 

Although AAV is a new capability to the GTVF, it’s been active in LV and RV manufacture for nearly 20 years, and the team is building on the extensive AAV knowledge and experience of our Centre Director Professor Robin Ali, who has been involved in academic and commercial AAV supply for many years.

Laboratory scientists working in fume cupboards

Production Process

The GTVF adopts a highly flexible model, enabling us to adapt to client requirements with:

  • Vector serotype
  • Client timelines
  • Scale

End-to-End Project Support

The GTVF takes ownership of all aspects of your viral vector manufacture, including some or all of the following activities:

  • Plasmid sourcing (as needed)
  • Assay validation and development
  • Small-scale R&D grade engineering batches
  • Large-scale R&D grade engineering batches
  • Large-scale GMP batches 
  • QC release testing and batch release
  • Regulatory support
  • Project Management


The AAV team will offer small scale production from our cell factory system to larger scale production in adherent/suspension bioreactors.

More Information

For more detail on licenses, plasmid sourcing, QC release testing and tech transfer, please see ‘Our Services’ page.

Laboratory bioreactor
Two scientists working in a laboratory
A scientist pipetting into a buffer tray

Production and development services also available:

illustration of vector cells with dna double helix

Vectors (LV)

Find out more


illustration of vector cells with dna double helix

Vectors (RV)

Find out more

Get In Touch

Contact us to discuss your lentiviral vector, retroviral vector, and adeno-associated viral vector GMP manufacturing needs:

Email us